Our offerings
What if we told you it's easy to book your next dream trip? After travelling over 100 countries together, we know a thing or two about how to get you started!
We have both had corporate careers for 8-10 years, have lived and worked abroad in 9 different countries. We completely understand time limitations, commitments, and budget being important factors when booking your next vacation.
We truly believe that travelling broadens the mind, creates more empathy and a better understanding of the world we live in and the people and habitat we share it with. Our mission is to share our knowledge with you and show you that investing in experiences is far more rewarding than buying things.
How to book on a budget
Do you think money is your limiting factor? After travelling full time for 6 months we have some great money saving tips and can share our budget planning template with you.
Brainstorming destinations
Don't know where to start? We can offer a brainstorming session based on first hand experience. Our advice is 100% independent. No companies have paid us to be in this blog.
Personalised Itinerary
How do you find the best experiences? Where should you stay? Only have a limited amount of time on vacation? We can help create an itinerary for you.
* “money” icon by mm m, "palm tree" icon by Jajang Nurrahman and "map" icon by Afdalul Zikri, from thenounproject.com